Sheryl Jones

Sheryl Jones
Phone Number

I have been a property owner on the Ranch since 2017 and my son and I have been full time residents since 2021.  I also am a member of the CRR Lions club and Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area (FANs).  I volunteer with both organizations whether picking up trash by the roadside, weeding community gardens, greeting many at the limb dump or working on the Denni and Lucky Mattson CRR Lions Scholarship board.  I try to go where I am needed.  I have earned my AS in Dental Hygiene, at SSC in CA, a BA in Business Admin. with an emphasis in Real Estate Management at National University and completed my DDS at EWU in WA.  I worked for 14 years in property management and obtained many credentials through the National Home Builders Assn. and The National Assoc of Residential Property Managers.  I managed the Dental Hygiene department for a large dental corporation. 

Our HOA is an invaluable part of preserving and sustaining our neighborhood.  I see using my many years of training in Real Estate management and communication in dentistry by focusing on the importance of clear communication in the daily lives of our residents.  Utilizing social media groups as a great way to stay connected to our community.  I would take an open approach to being in the know.  I would keep an open line of communication to all members about HOA guidelines by being available to members asking questions and acknowledge any area of confusion.  Maintaining the livability of Crooked River Ranch with its rural and scenic character is an honor and a privilege and I look forward to earning your trust, helping all the voices to be heard and to serve my home and community here on Crooked River Ranch.